A Dream Come True - Open

One of life's greatest moments is to have a long awaited dream come true.

No better recent example is this past  summer Olympics held in China.  The dream of competing, of winning the gold.

But not all long awaited dreams come true.   Some are shattered while others will live on to try again.

This raises the question.  What does it take to make a long awaited dream come true ?

King David was a dreamer. A successful dreamer.  From  his youth, he mastered the art of making his dreams come true.
To kill a lion, a bear, a giant - To build a temple, lead a nation.  "An eight gold metal winner"  when it comes to dreams coming true.

This morning I want to look at David's  5 Steps  to Make a Dream come true.
We will look at just one example, a women is the Bible who followed these 5 steps and how her dream came true.
Close with How to make the dream we all share here at Trinity come true.

We at Trinity share a common dream.
Two summers ago now, as we celebrated 150 years as a church, and for a weekend, we reflected back to the days
              when Trinity had a large membership.  Classrooms packed. Full choir.  That weekend renewed our dream.
To fill the pews, balcony, back classrooms again.    An unrealized dream.

1)  David's 5 steps to success    2)  one woman's 5 step dream come true  3)   Our 5 step dream come true. 


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