Administrative Council Meeting
May 31, 2009

The Administrative Council met at 2PM in the Social Hall with 15 members present.  Dr. Miller opened with a prayer.  Jay Freeman, Chairman, presided.
Minutes were read and approved.

Sara Cordero Cruz, Lay Leader, stated the responsibilities and duties of a lay leader.

Jim Payne, Treasurer, stated all bills are being paid.  Report accepted for 1-1-09 to 4-30-09.  Account balance is $37,000 after pay out for painting windows, conference gift of $20 approved  and will consider  increasing conference attendees allotment allowances.

Janice Pace, Finance,  stated endowment fund  should be audited, window units in Social Hall were $1185.37, some electrical work still needs to be done, Robert motioned to have organ repair work done; Elizabeth 2nd.

Ronnie Morris, Trustee, stated furnace repair will be about $500-600.

Curtis Anderson, Evangelism, stated Whirley Brothers were in concert at Trinity, possibly Smokey Wilson concert in future, Petersburg Museum of Technology now open, on church premises, will reorder 1000 more church brochures in black and white.

Nancy Pritchard, Nurture, absent.  Nancy has resigned as head of Nurture; Carolyn Morris volunteered to serve as head until year's end; Nancy will continue to help.

Bill Stevens, Membership, absent.  Sara reported for Bill .  Church Roll has 123 members; about 80 active members.

Elizabeth Titmus, Staff Parrish, Unanimous vote to retain Michael Fuller as church organist at a salary of  $125 per week.

Chris Miller, Health Ministry, stated blood pressure checks continue once a month.

Nate Cordero Cruz, Head Usher, reminded ushers to ask visitors and guests to sign Guest Book as they enter church.

Ann Tyler, Worship, absent, no report.

Janice Pace, TUMW, stated kits are prepared , will dedicate them Sunday during worship service.  Janice stated TUMW are basically inactive and has very little  in bank account.

Rennie Morris, UMM, stated a successful Lenten Breakfast, good Mother's Day luncheon, and said the men are planning a fish fry for late summer.


NEW BUSINESS, TUMC will donate $300 to Camp for Children of Incarcerated  Women, Neighborhood Watch will meet at the church in July or August, UMFS is not at this time considering TUMC  as a site for their services, leak on lower roof, needs to be checked after a rain, coating roof to fill cracks may suffice.  Nate suggested replacing bulbs in Narthex with long lasting or fluorescent bulbs.  Robert stated a painting of TUMC will be on display during 2nd Friday at the Arts in Old Town.  Rennie will look into cost of changing the locks on the building's outside doors, there are 7 locks. 

PASTOR'S STATEMENT,  Janice will dedicate conference kits Sunday, the Annual Conference is in Norfolk June 15-17, there  will be carnations for fathers on Father's Day Sunday, a Father's Day Luncheon after church and Baby Bottle Ministry will conclude on this Sunday.

Dr. Miller closed with prayer at 4 pm.

Jay thanked everyone for coming.

Respectfully submitted,  Delores Anderson.

Those attending:   Dr. Miller, Jay Freeman, Janice Pace, Dr. Reames, Rennie and Carolyn Morris, Chris Miller, Sara and Nate Cordero Cruz,  Jim Payne, Curtis and Delores Anderson, Elizabeth Titmus, Jim Warehime.