Greater Petersburg Historical Society of Virginia

CONSTITUTION Adopted on June 7, 2010

Article I

The name of the society shall be the Greater Petersburg Historical Society of Virginia. The society shall be a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Article II

The purpose of the society is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The society shall promote an active interest in American history and particularly in the history of Petersburg, its surrounding counties and the Commonwealth of Virginia. The society is to provide leadership, training, resources, and advocacy in support of the people, institutions, and organizations that are engaged in researching, preserving, and interpreting local and Virginia history.

Article II

There shall be five (6) classes of membership: Student, Individual, Couple, Sustaining, Benefactor / Institution and Life. Each member shall have one vote. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in furthering the purpose of the society.

Article IV

The Board of Directors shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and ten (10) directors, who shall be elected by vote of the membership.  Past presidents are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors.  At the request of the President, the immediate Past President may serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

Article V

No part of the assets of the society shall inure to the benefit of any member.



Article I - Election of Officers

Sec. 1 The annual election of officers of the society and four members of the board of directors shall be held at the annual meeting of the society in May. Officers shall serve two years. Directors shall serve three years, beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

Sec. 2 All members of the board of directors shall be eligible for reelection.

Sec. 3 At least three months prior to the annual meeting, the president shall appoint a chairperson and three members of the nominating committee. Said committee shall submit a slate of candidates to the membership at least twenty days prior to the annual meeting.

Sec. 4 Additional nominations may be made from the floor provided the nominee has given his or her consent.

Article II - Meeting

Sec. 1 Regular meetings shall be held during the year, the number to be determined by the board of directors. One of these shall be the annual meeting in May. Regular meetings shall be held on dates fixed by the board of directors at places designated by the president.

Sec. 2 Special meetings may be called by the president.

Sec. 3 Eight members may, by signed petition, instruct the president to call a special meeting. The petition shall state the reason for such meeting. Upon receipt of such petition, the president shall call a special meeting within one week.

Sec. 4 Eight members shall constitute a quorum.

Article III - Duties of Officers

Sec. 1 The president is the principal officer of the society and shall preside at all meetings. The president shall appoint all standing committees, such as a governance committee. The president shall appoint such other committees as are required to conduct the business of the society.

Sec. 2 The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the absence of the president.

Sec. 3 The secretary shall keep accurate records of the meetings and proceedings of the society and shall notify board members of the board meetings and other events as designated by the president.

Sec. 4 The treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the society's funds and for maintaining adequate financial records.  The treasurer shall collect dues and other monies, and shall deposit them in a local bank in the name of the society. Monies shall be paid out by numbered check signed either by the president or the treasurer for amounts of $500 or less.  Financial transactions of more than $500 shall require the signature of the treasurer plus any one other officer. The treasurer shall render a report at the annual meeting and at other regular meetings as requested by the president or the membership. The financial records shall be audited annually at the conclusion of each term and the results reported to the president. The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the membership roster.

Article IV - Dues

Sec. 1 Annual dues for a Student membership $10.00; for an Individual membership $20.00; for a Couple membership $30.00; for a Sustaining membership $50.00; for a Benefactor membership $100.00; Life Member $500.00.

Sec. 2 Dues are due and payable July 1 of each year. A member in arrears more than three months shall be dropped.

Article V - Amendments

Sec. 1 The constitution may be amended at any two consecutive regular meetings by two-thirds vote of the members present, provided copies of the proposed amendment or amendments have been mailed to all members at least two weeks before the first meeting.

Sec. 2 The by-laws may be amended at any two consecutive meetings by a majority vote of the members present, provided copies of the proposed amendment or amendments have been delivered to all members at least two weeks before the first meeting.

Article VI - Order of Business

Business shall he conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.


Article VII - Endowment Fund

Sec. 1 An endowment fund shall be established in the name of the society to receive, accumulate and invest contributions, grants and bequests to support the society's programs for grants, awards and publications. Contributions, grants and bequests with conditions attached shall be accepted only by a resolution of the Board of Directors. The endowment funds not otherwise employed shall be deposited in such depository institutions as the Board may select. Monies shall be paid out by instruments signed by such officers or directors of the society as determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. Investment of funds may be authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall be responsible for the maintaining of adequate financial records of the endowment. Audit of the funds and financial records of the endowment shall be included in the annual audit of the society's funds and at other times as requested by the president or membership.

Sec. 2 The president may appoint special committees to make recommendations for investments and expenditures. Expenditures for grants, awards and publications shall be made by resolution of the Board of Directors, except that the president may authorize expenditures in amounts of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or less.



This Constitution and By-Laws were approved at a meeting of the board of directors by a two-thirds majority vote on June 7, 2010.



Bonita Claiborne, Secretary, June 7, 2010